It has been a search of light.
Coming from a metropolitan, city lights have been part of me ever since childhood. For us city-crawlers, we encounter these man-made light sources much more often than nature ones. They make things happen, and create stories. These glimmering objects are everywhere: outside the windows, on bridges, and along the roads.
If we make ourselves observers, these lights will become smeared. We can try to get them in focus, but they will morph into different forms. Eventually, clarity fades into obscurity. The lights will diffuse into memory, and become mere recollections and personal feelings.
Illumination is a continuation of my quest for light. This time, it’s about the corona – the hazy and magical ring of light that’s usually not the main character, but affects us just the same. It shows up everywhere: under the street lamp, around the lampshade, over the candlelight. Growing up in the city, breathing man-made light sources, I have always been fascinated by this soft glow around the main source. The sources are usually eye blinding bright, but the glow around them is much more approachable, and much friendlier.
The stories between light and its corona are best told in glass, silver and porcelain. This set of work is an attempt to capture these intertwined qualities, motivated by my enthrallment in light and illumination.
Self-Standing Jewellery
Jewellery has been my passion for many years. Human’s interest in jewellery is driven by our quest for sparkle and luminosity. However, these are not the qualities that I am after. I want my
pieces to have personality, and be able to stand on their own. They should not merely compliment there wearers, but also be able to relate to their surroundings when not worn. To this end, I want my jewellery to be Self-Standing. When worn, they will have a relationship with the wearer. When standing on their own, they can also resonate with their surrounding, and be
appreciated that way. Most of us have more jewellery than we can possibly wear at any one time; thus jewellery spends most of its time alone, inside close drawer. By enabling them to self-stand, they can now interact with their surroundings. When they are appreciated as mini-sculptures, they become eternal.
The illumination series 源-系列 at “Vetrospective”, The Biscuit Factory, New Castle, UK, 2003
The illumination series 源-系列 at “International Glass Symposium 2004”, Lednické Rovné, Slovakia, 2004
The illumination series 源-系列 at “6th International Blown Glass Symposium”, National Museum, L’viv, Ukraine, 2004
“Illuminãcija”, Solo Exhibition, Stikla Galerija, Riga, Latvia, 2005